When I lived in Moscow, this phenomenon was not frequent, and I came across him only when watching domestic films. Having moved to Togliatti, the machine -building heart of Russia, I watch night races every night.
The fact is that Moscow has a ring system, and my area in Togliatti is divided into quarters with straight streets. For nightly racers in Moscow there are many traffic jams, even at night and traffic lights interfere, but we do not have that. Therefore, the roar of engines under my window from the side of the road is a common phenomenon. I myself have never participated in races at 400 meters or even 100, but I communicate with such a racer, and I have been in racing more than once. The race in the night city cannot be described in words in order to understand what it is, you need to take part yourself, and if not behind the wheel of a sports car, then at least in a neighboring seat with a camera in your hands. The guys do not spare money for a car, put on them not only beautiful tuning, nitrogen, but also vertical doors like Lamborghini that looks very beautiful. There is an erroneous opinion that night races pass under general drunkenness and drug use, but this is not so. Among the racers is this rule: “Adrenaline = alcohol”. Indeed, why put a car on the brink of a glass that is your source of income? Not all racers are betting on their victory. More often they receive interest on their bets on their speeches. Therefore, it doesn’t matter: you will win or lose, you will receive the money in any case. But here is his nails … Someone, having lost the money, shouts that the races are dummy and t. D. It is absolutely not important to others, they lose a lot of money for pleasure. It is worth noting beautiful girls in brilliant clothes near tuned cars. This is generally a special topic. Lastly, I note that the legality of the races is determined by their organizers. Sometimes the representatives of the traffic police themselves “roofed” such races, of course, not for beautiful eyes.