The program is designed for 5 months and includes not only training, but also a diet with a calorie deficit. At the same time, we do not offer a strict regimen in which you will constantly be hungry and tired.
On the contrary, during the program, discomfort should be minimal. This way, you will be able to get used to a new lifestyle and easily maintain it in six months and a year.
Experts from the UK and US health services recommend losing weight smoothly and gradually – losing about 0.5-1 kg per week. And we will focus on these values. With such a speed of weight loss, you will certainly not harm your health and will be able to maintain the weight after you finish the program.
Lifehacker does not advise quitting training after reaching the desired weight. You can gradually return to your previous calorie intake, but continue to eat right and exercise. This will help you stay in shape.