I can’t believe it yet, but still: a car will be responded in Russia. And massively, and with the submission of Rosstandart. I really like this news, I really want it to become constant. And the point here is not that I want problems to motorists from their car. But very vice versa: any car can be with a massive problem for its model and it must be solved in qualified with the help of official intervention. So it will be right, it will be safe.
Posts about car reviews in the United States on this resource mass. For example, read here and here. They have a powerful state structure, which, in the presence of proven massive problems, easily forces any automaker to solve them at their own expense, and quickly and efficiently. Maybe soon we will have such a practice?! Well, at least her sprouts ..
The popular Mitsubishi Outlander output SUV from 2007 to 2008 found problems with the conductivity of the stop-signal chain. Contacts are oxidized and possibly the absence of a glow of stop when pressing the brake pedal. The problem is quite serious. It sometimes also leads to the fact that the automatic transmission is not transferred from the parking regime to any other position. So it will be decided at his own expense of the Russian division of the company.
Actually there are not many works there: replace the sensor (end switch) pedal of the brake, clean the contacts of the oxides in its connector. Perhaps it was such a small amount of work that put on Mitsubishi of the Russian Federation on such a massive review of their cars – more than 35,000 cars can take part in the action. Nevertheless, the news is excellent: Rosstandart has achieved a car recall. The ice has started that it could be better?!
To the honor of Mitsubishi, this is not their first mass review of the car in the Russian Federation. Just recently, in October 2017, they recalled their I-MIEV electric cars due to problems with the vacuum pump control unit. T. e. The Japanese clearly demonstrate to us that they value their reputation in the minds of the Russian buyer, are ready to eliminate their mistakes and want to work here. A very pleasant approach for the buyer, which can attract the attention of so many potential consumers. After all, everyone would like to feel in the manufacturer of an assistant, not the enemy. Let’s see how things go further.