If you decide to change the wiring in your house, or spend it in a newly built house, this article will be useful for you. From it you will learn about the types of electrical wiring and their features. So, there is an open and closed electrical wiring. Each of these types has its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the degree of applicability.
Closed wiring.
It is used in apartment buildings. Closed wiring is inserted into the channels in floor tiles or wall slabs. Its undoubted plus is that it is absolutely invisible. But the same plus is at the same time and the minus. It is very difficult to get to such a wiring, and in case of repair, if necessary, the wall drilling, you can damage a closed wiring. Then you have to make it pretty to restore the cliff.
Independently lay a closed wiring in an already built house. In addition, special tools and knowledge are needed. It should also be remembered that closed wiring can be used.
Open wiring.
This type of electrical wiring is used in private houses built from flammable materials. For example, a tree. That is why the wiring does not lay the wiring inside the walls, but on top, closing it with special cable channels. Open wiring can interfere during the repair, since when gluing wallpaper, laying tiles, it will be necessary to take into account it. Open wiring is very easy to lay and does not take much time. In houses built of wood, only it can be applied according to fire safety requirements.
In one of the following articles, I will tell you how to properly lay open wiring so that it meets all fire safety requirements.