When engaged in topics related to Chinese cars, I am increasingly interested in the question: what should be the price of a Chinese car, so that with some shortcomings regarding the premium, it is bought massively? After all, there is definitely a certain price limit, after which Chinese cars will be bought confidently and around the world. Moreover, Chinese automakers are increasingly engaged in all niches in the world of cars.
Today is the news from Lifan: the company plans to start the release of a sports car! How are the news? In our post -Soviet space, most motorists have not yet heard about such a brand of Chinese cars, not to mention ordinary citizens. And here is a similar statement that is worthy of the leaders of the world auto industry. After all, not every stable will take up such a thing, knowing its complexity and long -term.
But the specialists from Lifan do not bother, they simply fulfill the task set before them by the leadership. And I am sure, with dignity it will be fulfilled. The first pirated photos of the novelty have already appeared, they will follow the presentation of a more official. It is clear, so far it is impossible to say about the technical parameters of the sports car from Lifan, it is likely that the creators themselves do not know everything to the end.
I am practically sure that the new sports car from the Chinese manufacturer Lifan will look like one of the eminent senior brothers in the family of sports cars. And this is not surprising: everyone begins to study with copying the skills of the teacher. Perhaps this is called plagiarism, but Chinese firms are moving forward. And show outstanding results!
Thus, soon in the niche of sportsmen there will be pure representatives of China (there is a type, a car fully designed and made in the Celestial Empire). And another message from the Chinese to the whole world: “We can do everything!”Let’s see where we will come.