In the modern world, buying any product, sellers impose additional things with the help of various shares that we ourselves would never buy. It seems that manufacturers want to take as much money as possible from us and go to various tricks, come up with new unnecessary parameters and details. For example, PVC window. It is based on a plastic profile, which should be of high -quality. Profiles can differ not only in the country – the manufacturer, but also the chamber of the window. And it is precisely chamber that many controversial issues of specialists are devoted to. It is worth noting that in winter it may be necessary to install the heater.
There are voids or chambers inside each plastic profile. They protect us from cold air, delay it with polyvinyl chloride. If they were not, then the cold calmly penetrated into all rooms where such windows were installed. The thicker the profile, the more cameras, but the question arises of whether this really affects the level of thermal protection of the room.
In order to make sure this is not another trick of manufacturers to pump money from consumers, you can compare the levels of heat saving plastic profile and double -glazed windows. And of course the profile will win. Thus, it turns out that if extreme frosts suddenly come to our country, that the experts again question, then the double -glazed window will freeze, and not a profile in any way. Of course, you can order a profile with a large number of cameras, but it will cost excessively expensive and will not bring heat to the room. It is best to take care of the thickness of the double -glazed window.
Due to the large number of cameras in the profile, its rigidity will be broken, which means that it will be less durable and high-quality. As a result, you will in vain spend a lot of money and harm the plastic window.