The location of the rope can be double: 1) when the traction rope is suspended above the rail by height, slightly exceeding the height of the trolley (upper rod), or 2) when the traction rope is located directly above the rail and located below the body.
The upper thrust is mainly used in pumping with an endless rope and has advantages compared to the lower thrust: less wear of the rope and great amenities in the traction of the wagons to the rope.
As trailed devices for rolling out an endless rope, “drums”, chains, wedge -shaped clamps and forks are usually used; When rolling up with end ropes – loops at the end of the rope. Supporting videos are intended to reduce the resistance to the movement of the rope and reduce its wear on straight sections of the track; They are located along the path between the rails, at a distance of 8-10 m from one another.
The guide videos serve for the direction of the rope in the curves of the path; These videos have a vertical or inclined axis. To maintain the rope of endless pumping with the upper rod and the capabilities of movement at an angle, the upper supporting rollers are used. The stretch device of the rope with endless rolling out should automatically pull the rope in order to eliminate its sliding along the winch drum and prevent excessive sagging and drawing along the way.
Surprising devices for rolling along the inclined tracks are used to capture the tilting of the trolleys, with a random cut of the rope and the coupling or with careless maneuvering on the site. Lovers of stationary and removable types are used as safety devices. Stationary catchers are used only in cases where, along one path, trolleys only rise, and in the other – they only go down, which takes place when rolling out an endless rope.