The post was written during the waiting for the battery charge of the registrar just taken from the mail. I did not have time to write yesterday about what I was waiting and I hope, as here he is in my hands. I chose a variant, extremely similar to a small camera. I always wanted to have such a fotik, so now the registrar will become an assistant for me – I don’t like it when the mobile and fotik is large and masses, it burdens me.
It’s funny, but reg came with a completely discharged battery. Typically, mobiles can still be hungry for an hour or two, while here is the full zero-turned on, got up and went to rest due to lack of energy. So you will not immediately find a lot to write a video outside the car (although I have received time for this post to describe the first impressions to you).
I ordered a variant for myself, which in China costs about 50 tanks. Craft, of course, but sensible. The colleagues have such already for six months and are excellent “plow”. FullHD, memory card up to 32 gigs, photo mode, screen is not a sensor and non -rotary. The USB-MiniUSB cable includes, charging for a car, holder, reg. It’s funny, but there is no HDMI cable – a couple of dollar. Although there is a connector itself, that is already buzzing.
It seemed more profitable for me to buy a memory card here. A proven store, proven “white” China, took 16. I think that with FullHD quality this will be enough in order to maintain the desired episode, the ups and downs after it for two hours. But no, you can stop the record.
In theory, I want to actively use it to shoot the baby. While Fotik, his wife takes out from the shelf, while turning on, he is already in another room, not to mention the pose. And so there is a chance to click until you drop and then choose pictures. The quality is an order of magnitude worse, but the meaning should be as much better – the dithenes at the sight of the chamber becomes as if dug, immediately spoiling all the imprint).
In general, there is something to work on. By the way, the battery is very similar to 500 mA mobile and 3.7V. It will be easier to replace or, if necessary, buy a second. It is charged from Miniyusb, so my charging at home from the phone Fly was in the subject. These are the first impressions from my new car video recorder.