These trends, apparently, reflect the contradiction in the psychology of modern man:
– The desire to relax at home from a technical problem,
– Carrying for technology as a material basis of modern life.
At different stages, the technical aesthetics strives to resolve this contradiction differently in accordance with the whims of technical fashion.
More and more new electrical machines and devices are made from the technical and aesthetic side. Saturation of the domestic market creates the desire to organize an exchange between countries. There is an export problem.
Electric power machines and devices are a profitable object of international trade. Even countries that produce a large number of electric power machines and devices carry out significant export-import operations.
However, it would not seem difficult to get high -quality equipment, as well as a mixer for a bath of high strength, this is quite real. You can purchase such a mixer at excellent prices.
If we distract from the problem of commercial policy, the successful development of export and import of electrical machines and devices is impossible without the establishment of unified technical standards.
International standardization in the field of electrical machines and devices is a serious and difficult problem. Its solution may be associated with high material costs and can affect national economic interests.
But, despite this, the international standardization of electrical machines and devices is developing, based on the objective capabilities of cooperation. These opportunities are as follows:
– the objective physical essence of optimal parameters and operating modes for electrical machines and devices;
– the need to develop international trade;
– ensuring the ability, convenience and safety of using foreign -made devices;
– ensuring the possibility of periodic repairs and replacement of the wear -out units and details.