The water supply of the country house and the site is an important point for the improvement of suburban housing. If there is no centralized water supply, you can take care of this yourself.
Water can be removed from the well. In this case, it is necessary to decide how much water per day will suit you, how deeply water lies and which pump to choose. The latter will depend, of course, on the first two circumstances.
It is necessary to calculate the consumption of water. For example, consumption for washing dishes, cleaning, watering – approximately 500 liters, for a shower – up to 300 liters, washing machine – approximately 150 liters.
Add. It turns out that the power of the pump should provide us up to 1,000 liters per hour.
What can be the water supply options for a private house?
The first option
The most economical way is to purchase a pump without automation. It will have to turn it on and turn it off manually, which, of course, is not very convenient.
But you already decide this, depending on the needs in the water and the amount of money that you are ready to invest in the equipment.
The second option
Another option is to buy and install a water container (for example, in the attic). This is a semi -automatic way.
When the water level falls in the tank below the minimum, the pump automatically turns on and fills the tank to the maximum.
This method is more expensive than the previous $ 100. But, having a tank with water, you will get rid of surprises: you will have water in stock if, for example, they will turn off electricity.
The lack of such a system is a weak pressure. However, it is quite easy to put up with him. Especially if there is no washing and dishwasher at your cottage.
Water supply of a private house with the help of a pump with a hydraulic accumulator
The third option
The most costly, but also the most comfortable way is to use the pump along with the accumulator and automatic switching relay and off.
The accumulator provides constant pressure in the tank with water, and, therefore, good water pressure.
This water supply systems are noticeably more expensive than previous. Especially if you prefer Italian or German instead of Chinese technology.
For example, a Chinese pump with a capacity of 1.1 VKT costs approximately $ 100., And the pumping station (pump, 50-liter hydraulic accumulator and automatic relay)-up to $ 200. The same technique, only Italian will cost more than 300 dollars.
An important advice from professionals:
Try to buy a finished station. Avoid “craftsmen” from the market that will collect you a station from details of incomprehensible origin and doubtful reliability.
It will cost not much cheaper. But in the thus saved 50 dollars., and much more, then spend on repairs then.