Currently, due to the revolutionary, rapid development of industry, the rapid increase in the fleet of vehicles and due to a lack of money and resources to eliminate environmental problems, unfortunately, the process of pollution of artesian water is taking place. When using groundwater for heating and water supply needs, you have to deal with significant drawbacks:
– With increased rigidity (when heated by water, salt is settled on the tubes of heat exchangers of gas columns, gas boilers, electric water heaters, boilers)
– turbidity, extraneous smells and flavors (when using tap water for drinking).
The color of the water usually depends most on the composition of the soil. The yellowish or reddish tint of tap water gives iron -containing substances – most likely, this substance contains local clayzer, if the pipes are steel, then they can simply rust. Such water is unpleasant to taste, but it will not hurt health. Much more serious problems arise with many devices to organize comfortable hot and cold water at home. These devices are primarily included: gas double -circuit boilers, gas speakers, a hydraulic accumulator, water pumps, locking and adjusting reinforcement.
Unfortunately, the chemical composition of tap water from autonomous wells usually does not comply with the standards for the maximum permissible concentration of hydrogen sulfide, fluorine, iron, and other undesirable chemical elements. And in the vast majority of cases, it is distinguished by increased rigidity. Therefore, water treatment for suburban water supply systems should be paid to paramount attention.
In this case, water purification for home use includes additional filtering mechanisms, which allow you to get high -quality drinking and technical water at the output, as well as save plumbing devices from rust, and gas columns, electric storage water heaters, washing and dishwasher, kettles and others Water heating devices from scale deposits.
To select a water treatment system, it is primarily necessary to conduct a chemical analysis of water, which is performed in stationary laboratories of the sanitary and epidemiological.
After the laboratory is concluded in specialized stores, select filters suitable for water from your well from your well. Water treatment is a fairly costly event, especially since cartridges in filters must be changed with a certain frequency, but there is simply no other way of water purification. Everyone must decide for himself, spending money regularly on equipment repair: replacing the tenes in electric water heaters, washing and dishwasher, replacement of heat exchangers of gas columns and boilers, or not to skimp on a good water treatment system.