One of the key stages of any repair is the laying of coating on the floor. And it doesn’t matter if it is held in a private house or in the apartment. Many today resolve the issue of choosing finishing materials for the floor in favor of the laminate. The magnificent physical, technical and aesthetic characteristics of the laminate allow you to repair houses, apartments at a very high level. But provided that the material is used correctly. For example, the period of impeccable operation of the laminate floor directly depends on whether a good substrate under the laminate was used during laying.
Which is better to use as a substrate? In total, three types of substrates under the laminate can be distinguished today: polyethylene foam, cork and special. Consider each type in more detail. Those who have a repair that provides for laying the laminate will help to make their choice of material for the substrate.
Polyethylene substrate foam
This type today is the most popular and cheapest. Available price positive qualities of polyethylene foam substrates are not limited.
Firstly, they are an effective insulation. Repair of houses, apartments are planned – this property is welcome in any case.
Secondly, foaming foams are characterized by high moisture resistance.
Thirdly, antibacterial properties must be added to the advantages of such a substrate-neither mold nor fungi appear on its surface.
Such a substrate is simple in laying, there is practically no waste after work. But, having talked about the pluses, we also point out the minus: over time, the polyethylene substrate foam begins to lose elasticity and sag. Not so long ago, manufacturers offered a novelty – polyethylene foam under the laminate with aluminum foil. This option does not lose its properties longer. True, much more often you can find a foil substrate, which is made of polystyrene. It has similar characteristics, but it costs a little more.
Camping substrate
The high cost of the cork substrate is explained by the fact that natural raw materials are used for its manufacture. This type of substrate has simply impeccable characteristics. The high density of the material makes it an excellent base under the laminate. The unique thermal insulation properties of the cork substrate provide floor insulation, the cork is not infuriated, is not subjected to the propagation of microorganisms, and is not deformed over time. All this makes a cork substrate popular in such a case as repairing houses, apartments.
But there is one point that is important to take into account if the cork substrate is laid on the concrete base. In such cases, condensate can accumulate on the lower surface of the substrate, and it adversely affects the cork. Therefore, lay a cork substrate on concrete, after laying under it a “barrier for pair” – a regular plastic film. We note another feature of the cork substrate, this time extremely useful: unlike plastic substrate, manufacturers produce it not only in rolls, but also in sheets.
In a separate type of substrate, a bitumen cork substrate is released from the cork. The basis of this material is a craft paper with a layer of bitumen applied on it. A layer of cork chips is applied to bitumen. Crafts is the so-called ventilation layer, and bitumen with waterproofing material. Therefore, this type of substrate can be laid on concrete without laying a vapor barrier.
Special substrates
These are rubberized substrates made using pressing technology: cork and rubber crumbs are mixed and pressed in mats or sheets. The distinctive advantage of this variety is that it is able to provide good sound insulation. At the heart of such substrates are natural materials. For example, a substrate under the laminate of iso payments is made of wood by pressing, glue and chemicals in this process are not involved. Isolates – high -strength material with a high soundproofing indicator.
In conclusion, let’s say a few words about the thickness of the substrates. Despite the fact that the market is represented by two -millimeter substrates, experts recommend choosing the base for a laminate with a thickness of at least 3 mm.
Successful repairs! If you have not yet decided on the scale on which it is to hold it, read our article about the varieties of repairs.