With great confidence, we can say that today one of the most popular areas of human life is the construction area. And in this, in truth, there is nothing surprising. After all, a person at all times needed and will need not only the construction of new housing, but also buildings that are intended for other purposes. Nowadays, almost every person has a wonderful opportunity to observe how much modern cities grow with a high speed. And the growth of cities is primarily due to the construction of new buildings. There is no doubt that we owe this not only to builders who work at construction facilities, but also to specialized equipment, without which at least one construction process would hardly be held. In this article, I would like to draw your attention to one specialized vehicle, which have recently been just an unprecedented popularity. We present to your attention minisosvals. This type of specialized equipment is actively used not only at large construction sites. Many people who are interested in building their own country house seek to purchase this vehicle or rent it. And in this, it is worth saying, nothing surprising. After all, the minisamoslavs have many advantages that we are talking about and to tell you. Dumplings are highly durable. Having made such an acquisition, you can count on the fact that your vehicle will be able to perfectly cope with the tasks even in the most difficult conditions. Using a minis -can, you can transport goods, the maximum weight of which reaches three hundred kilograms.