Boutor lightweight pillar foundations in non-flooding soils are arranged with a laying depth of at least 0.5-0.7 m. 408 shows one of these foundations (state -owned project, “Typical projects for 1933.”Fundamental pillars from Buta Saluput in the ground only 45-50 cm. Between the pillars is arranged a laundry gibbet, depressed by 25 cm. The foundation is designed for frame walls of one -story buildings.
In the event that at a depth of 0.5-0.7 m there is no sufficiently dense soil capable of withstanding this load, a sand cushion is arranged under the missile foundation with a thickness of at least 15 cm.
The sole of the foundation drops 10-20 cm below the freezing line of soil. The designs of column foundations for frame and continuous walls are given. The foundation for frame buildings has a design similar to the above pillars, a sandy pouring is provided to a depth below the freezing zone of soil. The foundation for continuous walls in conditions of heaving soils can be performed according to. The transition from columnar foundations to a continuous wall is carried out through an ordinary brick jumper. Instead of an ordinary jumper, a ray brick jumper in a brick with an arrow of lifting can be used.