Mineral wool is an effective heat insulator that is suitable for insulation of frame walls. This material has all the necessary physical and technical properties. Before insulation, the surface must be prepared. The walls are cleaned of garbage, dust and eliminated various defects. If you need to remove sticking nails, they can be bent using a hammer or use a nail.
The gaps between the frame and the wall are closed with mounting foam. If the walls are made of wood, the surface is additionally dried with a building hair dryer. If the destroyed wall elements are detected, they are completely replaced. First, the wall is covered with a layer of waterproofing. This will protect the material of the insulation from moisture during operation. Roll material is taken as a waterproofer. To consolidate it, use a stapler and construction brackets.
Laying roofing material or pragmine can be carried out on any surface. The edges of the roll should form a overlap about 10-15 cm. During the laying of the material, the frame method is used. Install racks of wooden rails, the distance between which is determined by the width of the insulation. It is necessary that it is approximately 5-6 cm less than the width of the material. This will allow you to place a layer of insulation without gaps.