Our society, so vain and restless, is in a hurry somewhere. Sometimes, even no one even notices that people around us live with us who cannot walk, run and hurry. And since we live in a humane world, then, probably, we need to take care of those who are less than us and those who are more difficult than us. We live among people with disabilities. There are those that can move, there are completely immobilized. But both need help. And the main help is the opportunity to move. Of course, they will not be able to do it on their own, but with the help of others and with the least difficulties and stress, this is quite possible.
It all depends on society and on the authorities. People with disabilities need a social taxi. Not everyone has heard about him, but it exists and functions especially in developed countries, long ago. Social taxi is a type of transport that provides round-the-clock transportation of disabled people and wheelchair users throughout the city for a fee. In some states, the fee is high, overwhelming for the disabled, and somewhere even for free you can get to the clinic for free. In Moscow, a social taxi has been operating since 2007. For the first time, the city authorities themselves began to help the persons of assistance to disabled people. And the administration, together with one of the taxi pages, allocated the necessary funds and cars for this.
Now in Moscow at any time of the day a wheelchair user can be called a taxi and for the minimum cost to get to the destination. To do this, 250 cars and 70 buses were allocated. Initially, only collective trips on a social taxi were carried out, and now individual trips have been introduced. In time, the car is delivered on average, about 25 minutes. The car is intended only for transporting people with disabilities. The car is large-sized, the salon is equipped with a rifle chair that transports a disabled person. Another type is a car with a body-lift.
It is offered to those people who cannot move at all. The car has the opportunity to drive up to the entrance and painlessly pick up its passenger. In the lives of such people, a social taxi is a great joy. The authorities in this matter will continue to meet, expanding the fleet with a large number of cars with the emblem on the hood “Disabled Kolaschik”.