A person always remains a person requiring certain conditions for himself, which ensure his life. One of these conditions is a comfortable sewer system.
It should be said that the sewage system for the summer residence has recently been perceived as a luxury, rather a cesspool with a wooden toilet is now considered as an anachronism that humiliates human dignity.
However, for the construction of an autonomous sewage system, a number of certain conditions dictated by both technical requirements and life itself should be observed.
The option will be ideal if your site is on moderately moisture -permeable soils with a low -powerful level of groundwater. Then you can easily create the cheapest type of treatment facilities – with filter drainage.
Otherwise, you will have to choose a sewage design suitable for your specific conditions. However, they will cost much more, and to assume a more specific technology for the construction.
In addition, the sewage system you built must reliably guarantee that contaminated drains and fecal masses will not fall into groundwater, and even more so into drinking wells.
Based on this, all the elements of the sewer must be appropriately removed from them.