I knocked on all the topics – I did not find a similar problem…In general, it all began with the fact that I noticed a decrease in car traction, especially when 2-3 people sat down. A familiar diagnostician advised to clean the injector. I took off the air, and cleaned everything inside the entrance and everything around the throttle. What kind of chemistry I cleaned – unfortunately I do not remember. Something there for cleaning injectors…In addition to the air filter, I still unscrewed some sensors to the right and left of the injector. One of them, as it turned out later, was dhh. All this cleaning was a turning point. Now the problem is: it was after this cleaning, when I collected everything back, from the photographs that I took during a showdown, after all this I tried to ride…The thrust, of course, has not increased, but this problem was added: when I start to move, when reaching a speed of 7-12 km/h, the engine suddenly sharply begins to pull with an interval of 0.5 seconds. But does not try to stall. It is the gaps -throat – the most suitable phrase. 5-6 times it twitches and then again continues to regularly gain speed and after 2-3 seconds switches to the 2nd speed. Important: the problem can only be on a heated engine and only at the first speed, that is, when the machine moves no more than 15 km/h. There are no jerks on the cold engine, it works perfectly. The problem does not affect the Dvigla plant – it starts perfectly at any time. That I just haven’t done in these 2 months…Replaced DMRV, replaced candles, replaced the oil in the box, oil in the engine, replaced the fuel filter. Corrected the computer with the position of the idle sensor, in general, they measured everything that could…Was on diagnosis: compression is normal, nozzles are super, an electrician – super. The camshaft is the norm. A little more than the norm is stretched a chain, but that was before the problem. I had two diagnosticians, tested a dozen different computers, everything is shifted with their hands. There was only one hope for the local forum. I will be glad to any advice.