Hydraulic power, which include pools, require special attention during construction. Earth slopes of such structures should be quite reliable, and the drainage system – effective. Do not forget about the protection of pipes from corrosion.
Therefore, it is not surprising that during construction, such material as non -woven material on a polymer basis is used – geotextiles. If you need additional information about this material, it can be found at: geotekstil. There you can also buy geotextiles without any difficulty.
At the stage of designing pools, geological research is carried out. Thanks to the latter, you can understand what kind of work it will be necessary to strengthen the base of the pool.
The results of geological research allow you to choose geotextiles with the desired qualities. This will allow you to get a solid pool with minimal costs. At the same time, you do not have to attract complex equipment and use many different materials. Namely, this is often required by such complex engineering tasks as the construction of hydraulic control.
Geotextiles laid on the walls and the bottom of the pit for the future of hydraulic power will become a separation layer between the material of the backfill and the soil. Thanks to this, the soil will not fall into the bulk material, and the base of the pool will be quite reliable.
Despite the demand in the modern construction of geotextile basins, its price is relatively low. Especially if you purchase this material of domestic production. It is worth noting that foreign analogs, although they are much more expensive, are not the best quality and reliability at the same time. That is, they will last as much as domestic geotextiles.