The basis of every house erected from brick is a strong and reliable foundation. Its type depends on the height of the future building. The foundation can be strip, continuous, monolithic, as well as columnar or pile.
The soil on which the future building is being built must have the necessary bearing capacity. To do this, it should be thoroughly compacted and leveled. After that, you need to lay the foundation. If the future building has a small number of floors, then you can build the base in the form of a tape for it. For this structure, it can be made of brick.
If the soil on the site is reliable and durable, then such a house can be installed on poles. In this case, under each corner of the future structure, as well as for each main wall and the structure, the pillars should be built from bricks. When building a house, do not forget about work. By the way, if architectural layouts are required, a layout workshop will perform them as efficiently and on time. To do this only you need to call.
The cheapest type of foundation is pile. They are erected at home when the area has a weak soil, a high level of groundwater occurs, as well as on uneven surfaces and slopes. Such a base can be built even in winter, since seasonal soil fluctuations do not have a negative effect on it.
If the construction site has unreliable soil and seasonal water, then it is worth equipping a continuous or monolithic foundation. Its cost is the highest compared to other types. But for the home, its strength is more important.