The law on paid roads has been introduced for a long time. So do not be surprised if unexpectedly before you there are a barrier and a small booth to collect money. Such roads are gradually becoming an ordinary thing. But not all roads can become paid. In accordance with the Paid Law, only the road that has regional value can be declared and so that the detour is not three times longer. If the conditions are respected, the road can become paid. But do not think that if you go to a paid route, then you will expect an amazingly smooth, clean and similar road. Unfortunately, this is far from always the case. Many drivers are even indignant and ask a question – so why do we pay? There are still many pits and bumps on the roads.
And sometimes they are so narrow that you need to go only so that they do not stop anywhere, since such a thing as a roadside is absent there. Very rarely you can see a cafe or motel. This is not the only problem, the second problem is that drivers are not completely warned that a paid section of the road is ahead. Yes, there are signs on which two languages indicate that the paid road follows further. But how much is this pleasure – it is not written. By the way, for local cars in such areas, travel is free as for “their own”. Paid roads also bring a lot of inconvenience to truckers. And all because before the barrier there is a sign of weight restriction – a maximum of 18 tons. And this despite the fact that each truck is carrying more than 30 tons. And in order to go around, you have to spend extra time and money.
From the foregoing, it can be concluded that very few drivers are satisfied with the introduction of this law, and even less than the state of these most paid roads. Money for travel is paid, but the condition of the road surface does not want to improve. In addition, all paid roads for some reason stand differently. On one take 20 rubles, and on the other two hundred. Here are drivers and are interested in what kind of opening all this is charged, if sometimes the markup is not visible? And yet, the payment procedure itself on some paid routes annoys people. You still need to go to the trailer and inform the official all the data about the car. For what? It is incomprehensible! And in some places there is no such rule. So, it is necessary to state that paid roads leave much to be desired and not soon their condition will be improved.