Recently, more and more residents of the metropolis have left their apartments and leave to live out of town. It is not surprising, because it is nice to live in nature and good for health! However, most citizens are accustomed to household well -being, so they are striving to equip their new dwelling with maximum comfort. One of the components of convenience is the presence of drinking water. It is optimal if there are underground sources on the site from which you can get clean water. In such cases, it is necessary to equip a water well. At the same time, a pumping station will be needed to roll water.
The first and most important decision that needs to be made is where the well will be located. The basic principle that needs to be guided is the presence of groundwater as close to the surface of the earth. In this case, the water well will cost you cheaper. Look carefully at your site – where the green cover is most intense, most likely the most moisture.
In addition, it is necessary to carefully imagine how the site will look after the completion of all construction work so that the presence of a well does not violate your plans. According to the stands of the water well, it should be at a distance of at least five meters from the house. Drilling in parking lots and places of car travel is prohibited.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that drilling wells and the installation of a pumping station is a process that requires large space. It is necessary to ensure the access of trucks, to be prepared for the fact that the work will be quite dirty. For drilling, a technique is used, the height of which reaches several tens of meters.
After the drilling of the well is completed, it is necessary to proceed to the installation of the pump station. In simple terms, the pumping station is a device that delivers water from the well to the pipes using the mechanism. The basic requirements for the location:
Close location from the well.
Almost any station makes noise – this should not interfere with the inhabitants of the house.
The technique should be protected from weather influences.
I would like to note that when making a choice in favor of the drilling of a well and the installation of a pumping station, you gain independence – you will always have access to clean water.