Construction means the construction of buildings, repair, reconstruction, restoration, etc. D. In a word, construction can be called part of our life. Construction includes the following works: organizational, construction and installation, survey, design, etc. p.
In construction, you can not do without building materials. There are many different materials for the construction of buildings and structures (building materials). The main thing when choosing them should be paid attention to the quality and effectiveness. It is important that building materials are suitable for interior design. From good building materials, you can make an unusually beautiful repair. Every housewife dreams about such a kitchen design, to cook where it is convenient and beautiful. For the classification of building materials, they are chosen by the type of starting raw materials, the main indicator of quality, the technological basis, etc. Building materials are natural (wood, stone materials, straw, lusga, etc. D.) and artificial (emulsions, liquid glass, pasta, etc. D.). Natural building materials are obtained from the bowels of the Earth or as a result of processing of forests. Further, these materials give a different shape and size. Artificial building materials are obtained using technological production. Such materials are burned or not.