For transportation of wood, road transport is often used. This process includes three stages. First, the forest is delivered to the place for initial processing; The prepared material is transported to the wholesale warehouse and then the cargo is transported to the buyer from the warehouse.
Initially, the trunks of trees, peeled from branches, are transported by special transport, which is equipped with semi -trailers equipped with loading and unloading devices. Despite the fact that the weight of wood is easier than metal, when transporting raw forest, safety measures are taken, including the use of insurance fixtures, which should be the most reliable way – otherwise there is a high probability of serious accidents with unpleasant consequences.
First, fresh wood enters the processing plant. The forest is sawn into boards, chasing, bars, veneer. The length of lumber from spruce, pine and larch is at least 6 m, therefore, for their transportation, the body should be at least 6.3 m. Lumber of birch, aspen, alder reaches a length of more than 4 m, so less specific transport is needed to deliver them. If the laid lumber exceeds the height of the body sides, then transportation is carried out by a car that has increased sides and reliable racks. Volumetric weight of wood takes into account humidity, breed and void when laying.
When carrying out the transportation of bars or boards, it is necessary to properly and reliably lay the safety mounts. The ease of unloading is ensured by means of a tap, transverse bars are placed under the boards. If transportation is carried out over long distances, wood is processed by compounds from pests and fungus, laid in a special way and laminated.