Recently, suburban construction using frame-chip technology has been gaining an increasing number of followers. Those who still doubt the high environmental and operational qualities of buildings of a similar design would like to know what is the wall of the frame house in the context of.
The design of a house erected using the technology of frame-chipboard housing is quite simple. As you know, the basis of the house is a frame made of a wooden beam of high strength, it is sheathed with OSB slabs and filled with mineral wool. As a result, the wall of the frame-base structure is similar to a section of a multilayer pie, made using heat, sound, wind and waterproofing materials.
The wall of the house, erected using frame-chip technology, will look as follows in the context:
– drywall sheet 12.5 mm thick;
– membrane film to ensure vapor barrier;
– a layer of thermal insulation based on mineral wool 100 mm thick;
– OSB slab 8 mm;
– membrane film to ensure waterproofing;
– Remote bar;
– vinyl siding;
– Wooden frame of the frame 50×100 mm.
The technology for the construction of frame houses involves the use of beams of ceilings and wooden beams based on solid wood, which in the factory are processed by special compounds that provide reliable protection against wood pests, rodents and fires. OSB plates do not rot and are not afraid of moisture and temperature effects. The service life of the frame of the frame house is not inferior to stone analogues.
At the end of the process of mounting the frame, the walls are insulated with a layer of mineral wool, which has a thickness of 100 mm, which is comparable to the thermal conductivity of the walls of a wooden log house 20 cm thick or a brickwork of 60 cm.
The walls of the building on the inside are covered with a vapor barrier membrane, which create an obstacle to getting into the House of Moisture. Moreover, this film tends to reflect thermal radiation, which allows the heat to remain inside the house in the winter period. The wall sheathed with a sadding on the outside creates the so -called ventilated facade.
The interior of the frame house is sheathed with drywall, for a bathroom and bathroom, moisture -resistant drywall is used. The floor is hidden . OSB slabs 18 mm thick, which allows you to get a flat surface. In the future, it is covered with carpet or linoleum.