The eight-eological articulated car was delivered to the city of Cologne-on-Raine and is operated both on the surface and in tunnels.
This eight -horned motor car is designed for movement in one direction. The length of the car is approximately 30 m, the width of the car is 2.5 m and a height of 3.2 m. The distance of the tsapfa of the mobile trolley from the hinge is 7.1 m. Distance between hinges-8.65 m. The center distance in the motor and running rotary carts is 1.8 m, the width of the track is 1,435 mm, the height of the floor above the upper edge of the rail 890 mm. The car has 90 seats and 195 stands for standing when calculating 0.15 m2 per passenger. Thus, the total capacity of the car 285 passengers. The weight of an empty car is 28.7 g. Such a car is quite reliable. There is even a separate place for the safe. And if you want to install a safe-dor in the office, then you need to contact trusted specialists. A safe-free-margin from the warehouse, plus installation will cost you at a very favorable price.
The wagon body consists of a supporting steel structure with welded skin. Three parts of the car are interconnected. In this case, the connection of the wagon body in the floor plane is located on rotary circles, in the plane of the roof they are connected to each other with the help of a transverse lever of an independent suspension, not subject to distortion.
Vertical movements are carried out without friction by silent block (rubber element). The control between the two parts of the car is carried out by rubber harmony, which is connected to the end portals of each carriage and the middle portal. Such a jointly design gives the wagon the view of a single node. Rubber harmony with a large radius outside is almost not visible.
The internal equipment of the car consists of elements made of high -frequency plastics. The surface of such plastics is good and easy to clean. Seats made of fiberglass are lined with spongy rubber and attached to only one leg for convenience when cleaning the carriage.