When planning to repair in the apartment, some electrical work should be done before it starts. These types of works include: installation of camshafts, transformers, sockets, distribution boxes, cable laying. Since these work are related to cutting holes and strokes of the walls, repairs must be started with these works. You can make them yourself or entrust them to professionals. Today, Kyiv offers electrical work at affordable prices. The cost of electrical work in the capital depends on the volume and complexity of their implementation. But with a great desire, electrical work can be done independently.
They need to be carried out with great caution, correctly calculating the necessary loads and properly laying all the electric cables. Contact connections need to be isolated qualitatively and they must be reliable. When installing the distribution boxes, it is necessary to adhere to increased attentiveness and accuracy. Here in no case is unacceptable amateur intervention.
Elepensions of any complexity and type are subordinate to one rules, norms and laws. They require compliance with safety. The bulk of electrical work, as a rule, is carried out by experienced specialists with the formation. At the first stage of the preparatory work, an electrician plan is drawn up, which must be adhered to when installing mounting and distribution boxes. It is necessary to choose the necessary places for installation in advance, while the easy availability of power sources is taken into account. We do not recommend mounting deep boxes, as they are inconvenient in installation and maintenance. Give preference to simple boxes that have quality certificates.
To date, various boxes of different manufacturers are presented on the market, which differ in their quality and safety. Chinese products have a low cost, we do not advise you to buy it due to its quality. It is necessary to observe high -quality and constant grounding of the cable from the camshaft and to the distribution shield. Even at first glance, electrical installation work require reliable grounding, taking into account the load and norms, the correct section of the wires and the choice of high -quality insulation. Even connecting a lamp or chandelier is a rather responsible and serious job.