The operation of the rotation of buildings is much more complex compared to the rectilinear movement, since it requires multiple rearrangement of moving devices, a gradual change in the position of the rollers and continuous monitoring of the fidelity of intermediate movements. The turn is carried out without any mechanical consolidation of the rotation center. The previously calculated position of the rotation axis is fixed with a index sign on the movement field, and is also determined inside the building (if it lies inside its contour), where a through vertical hole is made for plumbing. After the exact combination of this position of the axis marked on the building with a index sign on the railway field, the layout of the rollers and the placement of moving devices are made. On rail tracks, string with bright paint radial lines to control the intermediate positions of the rollers, as well as the calculated traces of the movement of the corners of the building. Changing the position of the rollers is carried out by hammer blows.
Gives an example of the rotation of the building at 180 °, which was made by rotation sequentially around two centers (lying outside the circuit of the building) so that the average point of the building of the building described the path on the two sides of the triangle, the sides of which were the arches of the circles. Rotation was carried out with the help of two polyspast systems.
Installation of a building on a new foundation. After the accuracy of the accuracy of the location of the infant building over the foundations, which is especially important for structures that have a system of individual foundations, are carried out by the order reverse of the above, the transfer of the weight of the building to the jacks, then the removal of reaping supports, roller tracks and finally lowering the building to the assigned level. In this case, the racks of metal structures are attached through additional elements to their lower, previously cut off or new parts, and the supporting shoes and brick walls are planted on the solution. Cement is used quickly hardening; After acquiring sufficient strength, the jacks are freed and the building is installed on the new foundation.