So we stayed here three. Lozhkins flew to cold and inhospitable Moscow, and I began to master the art of driving a motorcycle.
Motorcycle in India – folk vehicle. On the local narrow streets, it is not as overall as a car, but compared to a scooter much faster during overtaking and has greater stability and shock absorption. In addition, the engine power is enough to carry three or even four people on their ridge.
The variety of moto exhibits on the roads is amazing. Meet both completely ancient, by some miracle that have preserved performance, as well as quite decent sportbikes. Indians prefer Japanese brands – Honda and Yamaha. The domestic manufacturer is represented by the Bajaj brand. I was honored to saddle 180-cubic Bajaj Pulsar. Not the very first freshness, but what did you want for INR 200 per day?
After the scooter it was difficult to get used to manual (more precisely foot) gearbox. Constantly stalls in corners. But the movement here is so safe that if we learn where to ride a motorcycle, then India is the most suitable country for this.
A few words about local road customs. There are no traffic rules here. The principle of “look where you go” is confessed and it doesn’t matter – you are on the main road or on a secondary. Do you want to be missed – signal. Do not miss – you slow down. The most annoying rickshaws – an analogue of Russian minibuses.
Like drivers of minibuses, rickshops are the most frostbitten participants in the movement. Jump out onto the road, turn and stop without warning. The turn signals and stop-signals usually do not work, all maneuvers are indicated by a graceful hand sticking out of the cabin. There are also trucks and regular buses here. They will and dust, trying to squeeze the maximum from their ancient engines, but still go slowly, while occupying two -thirds of the carriageway. As a result – everyone goes in the stream, on the check, they will not be alarm and in no hurry. Even at night, under our balcony on the road with a good coating, everyone goes at a speed of not higher than 60 km/h.
As for me, my face progress: I’ll get stalled less and less, even at the peak I feel quite confident. As I completely take it up – it will be possible to slide into a cook. They say beautifully there.