In an American agency called j. D. Power and Associates conducted a study that they conduct every year. The study was on the topic of cars, who uses what, and whether he was satisfied? The study in 73 thousand American tenants and customers of cars took part. Participation was taken by the owners of car models of 2011 release. According to the results of the study, Porsche holders were recognized as the most pleased car owners.
The study gave eighty points by which the owners determined their car. The study included such points as an assessment of ergonomics, design, reputation of the brand and running qualities, as well as many other same plan. After which an analysis of the results was carried out. And also a list of the most satisfied car owners was compiled. It was the Porsche car that took the first place in this list. The Porsche line of thousands of possible research points received 879.
Not far from Porsche, the Jaguar production car also moved, it received 857 research points. Then there is a German -made car BMW, which received 850 points out of a thousand. The next position is occupied by Land Rover, which received from a thousand 841 points of approval. For Land Rover, the next position in the list is Audi, which has 835 approval points. In a word, German and British manufacturers entered the five best cars after Porsche.
The following rating positions are held by Mercedes-Benz, which has 832 points, then Lexus-827. After Lexus in the list there are mini with 824 points. As well as Lincoln and Cadillac. If you analyze the results, then, on average, the number of approval points by car owners for this year was 781. This amount exceeds last year’s results by three points.