The year is not like a year, and the rules of the road are changing and complementing all the time. It is good if you study at the driving school, where all the changes will tell you in detail and explain the incomprehensible, so the passing of the exam in a driving school will depend only on your zeal. If not, then it is time to find out the news, otherwise there will be fines.
Rumors about alcohol were not justified
The wave of rumors that the norm of alcohol in the blood will be increased by bringing the Russians closer to the Americans, to put it mildly, it turned out to be an exaggeration.
Russian drivers, who had seen foreign films that have seen that the driving driving in a drunk is almost the norm. So, in Europe, the norm of alcohol in the blood 0.5 ppm per liter of blood, in America 0.8. Our drivers, forced to reckon with the norm of alcohol in the blood of 0.3 ppm, dreamed of standing on a par with developed countries, but their dreams were not allowed to happen.
In fact, in Russian legal troubles, during the detention of drunk drivers, a gap was contained in the wheel. If the driver was so drunk that he was not able to blow in the alcohol, or was unconscious and for this reason he could not blow in the tester, it was legally problematic to determine the share of alcohol in his blood, because the legitimate possibility of analyzing it was not provided for blood.
It is this gap in the legislation that will be eliminated in the near future, having recorded the permissible norm of alcohol in the blood in black and white, determined in the test of blood. This norm is no more than the norm provided for by the alcotester. It is equal to 0.3 ppm per liter of blood, which is absolutely consistent with the norm of 0.16 million. per liter of exhaled air.
So stand on a flush with a decaying West will not be able to.
Penilers for dangerous driving
Very soon new types of fines will appear: for dangerous driving. Fans of amusing their ambitions by not inferior the road, drivers who create the danger of a traffic accident during rebuilding, sharp inhibition and those who do not like to be overtaken and therefore do not turn off the extreme left strip, will have to prepare the money for a fine – 5-10 thousand. rubles.