Doors to the cottage are a kind of business card of the owner of the house, since they are one of the first elements of the building that is striking in it.
Undoubtedly, the appearance of the entrance doors should organically fit into the overall style of the whole house, favorably emphasizing the presence of an aesthetic taste and prosperity.
Therefore, the entrance groups of cottages, which today are popular in the market, in addition to the functional role, still play aesthetic, characterizing the worldview of people who live in them.
Say, the external lightness of the door structure, and the presence of many glass elements in it, indicates the maximum openness of the hosts before the outside world.
More deaf and heavy doors, completely deprived of decorations, on the contrary, indicate the desire of the owner to completely protect his private life from an external look.
Modern regulatory documents put forward special requirements to the entrance doors not only by the strength of the structure, but also in sound and thermal insulation.
In addition to protection against the penetration of attackers, the entrance doors should still be resistant to external adverse factors, such as a sharp temperature difference in the off -season, the destructive influence of direct sunlight and precipitation.