When repairs are being repaired, many owners of apartments when choosing between Laminate and Parquet give preference to laminate. Firstly, they are attracted by the price, and secondly, it is not at all difficult to lay it down.
This floor material is practical and convenient to use. In addition, he can originally complement the interior design in any room.
As a rule, it is quite difficult to independently understand the choice of a laminate to the consumer. First you must decide which room you will lay the laminate, what loads will be on it. For example, the floor in the hallway or kitchen should be moisture resistant and resistant to abrasion. Such a laminate is assigned the appropriate marking. It is laid using water -repellent glue, which glue joints between the strips.
A flat laminate laying surface is a prerequisite. To align the base, use the substrate. It can be a synthetic winterizer, insulation slabs, woolen felt and so on. There is a laminate that is sold with an attached substrate.
The laminated floor substrate is able to absorb air and shock noise well. Laminate laminated in a locking method or with glue. The castle laminate on the end sides has a profile that snaps up when laying. If necessary, this laminate is easily removed and laid in another place (only you need to remove carefully so as not to break the locks).