In clear sunny weather, we walk along the sidewalk, hurry on our business or just walk. Why exactly on a clear day? Yes, because in the rain we usually open the umbrella or wrap us in the raised collar of the cloak – both limits the review and may interfere with us. So, walking along the street, busy with our thoughts, we suddenly hear a piercing screech of brakes, a dull blow, a metal rattle and the ringing of broken glass. We quite often see on the screens of an accident shot by eyewitnesses, but now we ourselves have become involuntary witnesses of this event. Turning our heads in the direction from where these sounds came, we, with some strange distinctness, as if in a stopped film, we see that at the crossroads the Volga collided with a truck. Both damaged cars are a few meters from each other, and people are already running to the scene. We feel how some wave rolled to the head and also suddenly burst out, and my heart knocks like a hammer and legs for some reason became naughty. And now, an ambulance called by someone was in a hurry to the scene, the traffic police arrived…However, everything could have been a little different: we saw both cars from different sides at the same time approached the intersection, then one of them braked – alas, too late – and now a dull sound of a blow was heard in a collision. If we really observed the development of these events with our own eyes, then the information we have received will already be much more fully. She can be of considerable interest for the investigation, especially if we at least approximately be able to evaluate the speeds of the cars before the collision, inform if another transport was moving along the intersection and near it, as the traffic lights and t signal were at that moment. p. Well, all that we ourselves felt and survived, of course, will not enter the protocol as no significant importance for the case. It doesn’t matter, but we will have a new feeling – conscientiously fulfilled civil duty, internal satisfaction with the fact that we were able to provide the investigation authorities in the noble business of the struggle against traffic accidents.