Motorists of St. Petersburg had long been waiting for this event and finally waited. The thing is that on the Obvodny channel opened for the passage of the embankments. The last five years they have been repaired. The city authorities promise to open several more objects in the near future. We will hope for this and so far rejoice at what is already. Restoring the road lanes on embankments in St. Petersburg will consider what South Embankment became after the repair. Now it is crossed by as many as six lanes, there is where to ride. And on the northern embankment of the stripes a little smaller – only four pieces. Also now you can calmly drive along the bridge over Volkovka. He was also finally repaired. A new crossing appeared on Dnepropetrovskaya Street. The area located under the bridge also increased by as much as one and a half meters thanks to the tunnels built there. Now even bulky trucks can calmly drive under them. But it is worth considering that not all the works that were planned are completed, although much has been done. For example, the upper layer of asphalt will be laid only next year, they also did not pose a system preventing icing and did not finish the territory. Although there are still results, it cannot but rejoice. Also, during the repair of the repair, many criminal cases were instituted, which slowed this process. But practically, not a single construction without scandals can do, such a difficult task. Construction near Sampsonievsky Bridge and the reconstruction of the northern site.
We forgot to mention two more objects, the repair of which also had to end this year, but apparently dragged on for a long time. This is a tunnel near Sampsonievsky bridge and the north plot. The northern plot is promised to bring in proper appearance by June next year. The site should be built completely, otherwise the highway will not function. In principle, this section will be an understudy of coastal roads. Such a road will clearly not be superfluous and will make life easier for many motorists. Two streets will continue this year: Kirochny and long -grade. For residents, this will also be a joyful event. Since it will facilitate movement. Some highways will also close. Which ones will be known only in March.