Choose good paint for internal repair work is quite complicated. This article will consider the issue of choice of paint, which is really suitable for a particular work. First of all, what needs to be paid attention to is the possibility of washing the surface. Indeed, after all, today, coloring implies not only decorative, but also protective functions. The protective functions are understood to be resistant to moisture, temperature differences, etc. D. The next point is to determine the approximate life. If until the next repair is 10 years old, then it is necessary to choose paints that will last more than 15 years. The supply is simply necessary, because during the next painting, you once again protect the already applied coating, but if the old paint has already managed to destroy, then painstaking work awaits you to remove paint and prepare the surface. Of course, these are extra costs and not only material. Imagine how much time it takes to remove paint from a surface of 20 kV m.?During the choice of this material, it is required to take into account the degree of protection that the paint can provide for a specific situation. For example, you can apply polyurethane or epoxy paint, both for the floor and for the ceiling. But, there is no need for such paint, because you will not go on the ceiling, and you will not have to wash the ceiling either, most like. Therefore, it will better stop on the paint, resistant to dry cleaning. Among other things, any paint should have high resistance to other adverse effects. She should completely arrange you in wear resistance and “hiding part”. That is, you need to choose the paint that is most suitable for your case, without overpaying extra money.