Layouted sofas for many decades have been serving for a comfortable man of life of people. During this time, transforming mechanisms have changed significantly. As a result, new types of upholstered furniture appeared, which provides a convenient and comfortable rest or sleep. A modern transformer sofa can have various sliding systems.
The simplest design has folding legs and a frame with hinges. More advanced mechanisms consist of a folding frame-frame, to which wooden springy plates are attached. This design gives the mattress orthopedic properties and ensures the correct position of the spine during night sleep.
The furniture market today offers dozens of sofa transformation options. The most popular of them is the “book”. This layout method has been used for a very long time and consists in throwing the back and a slight nomination forward of the seat. Such a furniture system consists of two spring blocks installed on wooden frames. The minimum of structural elements provides the long -term use of the sofa. Furniture can purchase two provisions: a bed and a item for a convenient sitting.
The ideal alternative to the traditional type of sofas is the “Eurobroist”. Such a model has a very simple mechanism of operation: the backs of the backs are lowered into the space formed by the seat extended forward. The layout system has practically no disadvantages, and the size of the sleeping place pleasantly surprises with its size. At the same time, there is a convenient box for bedding in the couch.
On the principle of “Eurobrins” there is a modern transforming mechanism “Click-Clak”. It is developed by French designers and provides for intermediate back fixation, thanks to which you can acquire the position of reclining. Such a sofa does not take up a lot of space, so it is often bought for the situation of small rooms.
Comfortable sofas for daily sleep can have any layering system. The main thing is that the educated bed provides maximum comfort for relaxation and restoration of strength. Today, corner sofas are often used, in which the transforming mechanism “Dolphin” is used. Such furniture implies the presence of several parts that are in a special retractable compartment. The berth is quite massive and comfortable, but despite it, it is arranged quickly and simply.