With a constantly growing number of cars, the number of traffic accidents is quite natural. And given the level of “trust” to the State Automobile Inspectorate, you can imagine what an help for motorists who know the rules of the road and comply with these rules is a video recorder. After all, there are situations when there is no one to hope for him besides him. Remember how many cases you saw on TV when one car cut another and caused an accident. But the traffic police have such an unwritten rule: who did not manage to slow down, he is guilty, because it was he who did not choose a safe distance, speed mode, etc. D. Because of this, many motorists want to buy DVR DVR today. And in the life of the driver, situations quite often arise when resolving a conflict in court or even during the pre -trial proceedings can help exclusively recording a DVR about events from the scene. The popularity of these devices is confirmed by the number of curious situations demonstrated on television or on social networks. The main advantage of the DVR in front of other shooting devices (videos and cameras, mobile phones, etc. p.), is the cyclicality of his records, that is, when the amount of memory is exceeded, new records begin to automatically record on top of the car unnecessary for the owner. It must be remembered that the device makes records with sufficiently short segments, usually from one to twenty minutes, there are pauses between them, but there are also models that can keep records without interruptions. In this case, a new entry will not be made until a place on the memory card is released, upon reaching the maximum, the record will simply be stopped.