Fashion for blocked houses came to our country from Europe, where such housing has long been in great demand. What is the reason for such an interest in this type of houses?
First of all, such buildings are very favorable. After all, by and large, these are 2 or more houses in one site. Therefore, the area necessary to build such a building requires a smaller.
However, individual apartments in a sense are better in terms of placement. You can find out the cost of the apartment in a new building and analyze the costs of moving and maintaining a private house and compare what is better. Many choose the first option, although the second also has its own undeniable advantages.
The second important factor is saving on laying engineering networks and communications. Roughly speaking, all expenses for this procedure are reduced by 2 times, which is an additional advantage of blocked houses. For these and many other reasons, the cost of a square meter in such houses is lower than in separate cottages.
There are no special restrictions on the number of blocks in a blocked house. But it is best to build 2 blocks, because in this case there will be only one common wall, and the rest can be installed windows.