Perhaps the most important advantage of the mine well is the fact that you can dig it yourself. True, this will require a large amount of free time, effort and at least some skills of construction activity (if you have your own crane, then the task is greatly facilitated). If there are no one, you can always resort to the help of special brigades. Preference should be given to local craftsmen, not city specialists.
As a rule, finding local professionals is a very real task. Firstly, this is how you will save on paying for their services: it is more profitable to hire workers living in this area than to “write out” them from the city. Secondly, local craftsmen probably know better the features of their land. Thirdly, you will save on the rental of equipment: specialists will arrive with their equipment.
If the installation of concrete rings is supposed, then it is necessary to provide such a service as renting a car crane.
In general, the construction of the well is very cheap. This is one of the simplest and most convenient ways in the summer time to provide your country housing with water.
If there is no desire to twist the hand gate, you can install an electric pump. If the funds allow, then you can appropriately insulate the well, using, for example, foam or polystyrene foam. In this case, it will be possible to use the well in the winter.