When repairing walls, many use water -based paint. In it, the connecting base and the coloring elements are introduced into the aquatic environment, forming a stable mixture with it. Small polymer particles exist in water in a suspended state.
After the paint is applied to the working surface, the water evaporates and the polymer film remains. After drying, this paint is not afraid of water.
Advantages of water -based paint.
1. The speed of drying. Typically, two hours are usually enough, which is important in the case of applying the second layer. In addition, it is much more pleasant when there is no way to get dirty, accidentally hitting the wall.
2. The smell of paint is not harsh and quickly disappears. After the end of painting, it practically does not smell.
3. This paint is harmless to humans, there are no solvents and other harmful substances in its composition.
You can be in a just painted room without fear.
4. Fire resistance. Such an important property gives the paint special additives.
5. Moisture resistance. The paint layer will be impenetrable for water for a long time.
6. The applied paint does not exfoliate from the wall.
7. The walls will be breathing, as water -based paint for walls passes air.
8. Large selection by color. You can also buy colorless paint and choose a coloring pigment for it.
9. Color work is quite simple and affordable for everyone.
Water -based paint is used only in the interior. You can apply paint at an air temperature of +5 degrees and above. If the temperature is lower, then a strong polymer film will not form.
Do not use this paint for metal surfaces, otherwise rust forms on them.
Types of emulsion colors.
1. Acrylic. Acrylic resins are the main part here, latex is often added often. They have high resistance to water.
2. Silicone. The composition includes silicone resins, which give resistance to steam exposure. Such paint is used for raw rooms, it does not allow the appearance of the fungus.
3. Mineral. It has a cement or gashnee lime. Such paint is short -lived.
4. Silicate. This is an aqueous solution of liquid glass and coloring pigments. This paint can last a long time, has high permeability for air and steam.
However, it protects the walls from moisture in the atmosphere worse.
When choosing paint for walls, be sure to take into account the type of room and operating conditions.
Staining walls with water -based paint.
Watch videos: Types of paints and tools
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