When the funeral of a native person is already in the past, the time comes to streamline his grave. Wardy flowers, wreaths mourning. The next step will be the improvement of the burial place.
For the grave to have a well -groomed look, relatives order fences in the cemetery. After six months or a year, you can already think about the monument. It is not advised to put it before, since the Earth has not yet given a sufficient shrinkage. In some regions, immediately after the funeral, a wooden cross is placed on the grave, but it serves a maximum of 2-5 years. Next, it must be changed.
When all these issues are resolved, there is a monument on the grave, flowers are growing, a fence in the cemetery is installed, many complement this entire landscape with a table and a shop.
“For what?” – you ask. The tradition of installing these items is quite long. Look at the rural cemeteries, where tables and shops stand near each more or less well-groomed grave. On the memorial days, when many relatives gather in the cemetery, they sit on benches, and make memorial treats on the table. People who have come to neighboring graves are invited to the table, dining, removing the deceased.
Unlike the villages, in cities tables at the graves are placed much smaller. This is due to the high cost of place in the cemetery and with the fact that only their own is remembered, there is no big feast. The latter, by the way, is unacceptable, but people still weakly observe Christian regulations regarding the memorial days. A small table is needed in order to put two or three dishes on it that the deceased loved, or a plate with sweets. There should be no alcohol.
As a rule, a table and a bench are ordered in the same style with a monument. If it is made of granite, then the table will also be from this stone. It is good because it does not crack when the temperature drops, the natural stone does not fade and does not dim, it has no spots from the moisture. You can order them in specialized workshops, any form and configuration. You will be offered a catalog with products and advise the best option. By the way, in matters of choice you can also consult with the designer. This consultation will be especially appropriate if there is a grave complex in the cemetery where several of your relatives are buried. In this case, an experienced specialist in planning and design of the territory cannot be dispensed with.
A popular option for tables and benches is forged products. But these require more careful care, they must be periodically painted.
The least preferable is the option of wooden furniture. As a rule, most often this can be found in rural cemeteries. Every 4-5 years, a wooden table and a bench need to be changed, because the legs rotate, wood spoils. Even annual painting does not give long -term effect.
Hurifying the burial place of people close to you, do not forget that the material manifestation of love for a different person who has gone into the world is not all. Your deep sorrow and bright memory of it is much more important. And sitting on a bench by the dear grave, be sure to leave a handful of sweets on the table, on the grave – a bouquet of flowers and wish the soul of the world and kingdoms of heaven.