If you often have to repair the car yourself, in the garage, then you are familiar with the situation where the desired tool cannot be found. You are looking for a key for fourteen on the table, under the table, at the boxes with car synthetic oil, but do not find the desired. In order for your favorite tools to be in its place, you need to make a garage stand for tools that will help maintain order in your personal workshop.
The stand is a massive piece of plywood or chipboard, on which a cell is highlighted for each tool (if the stand is horizontal or tilted) or a hook (if the stand is vertical). It is useful to break the stand into the area for each tool, for example, the keys hang on the right, hammers and nippers in the middle, and the screwdrivers are on the left.
Before starting work on the manufacture of a vertical stand, we will be stored with everything you need: a sheet of plywood, a box of screws that will be used as hooks – hangers, marker for marks, a drill with a set. Perhaps you will need a manual or electric saw to cut off extra pieces of plywood.
Estimate the location of the stand in your garage or workshop, it is better not to place it low so that you do not have to constantly bend. Put a sheet of plywood on the floor and put on it all the tools, first divided into groups. Now you know if you have enough this sheet or it is too large for your set of keys and a screwdriver. Next, you can proceed to the mark of places for drilling. If you want, circle every tool so as not to forget where it hung. Drilling holes for screws, screw our impromptu hooks. The stand is ready and it can be hung on the wall and place the tool in its places. For the manufacture of a horizontal stand you need more materials, since it is necessary to collect walls – cells for storing tools, bolts, nuts and other small details.