Most often, at the sight of the yellowed enamel of the old bath, the idea comes to the head to acquire a new. But what to do if there is no money to buy it. There is a way out – the restoration of the enamel of the bath!
The restoration of enamel baths can be done independently. But this procedure is not easy enough, it is necessary to have some experience in carrying out painting work. The restoration of the enamel of the bath requires the correct selection of enamel and the obligatory observance of the technology for such repair.
Selection of enamel for baths
There is a huge selection of special enamel in the construction market, which is designed to enamel old baths. Enamel can be chosen both foreign and domestic production. It must be remembered that cover the bath with automobile enamels, alkyd, oil or nitro -paints absolutely does not make sense.
The only correct solution is an epoxy two -component paint that can ensure the restoration of the enamel of the bath.
Emali van restoration technology
The technological process of restoring the enamel of the bath provides for:
– removal of rust and old enamel layer;
– Work of the primer of the bath;
– Bath coating enamel.
Preliminary preparation
The restoration of the enamel of the bath begins with the preparation of its surface. It is necessary to remove the old enamel and the existing rust. To do this, you can use a drill with an abrasive stone or waterproof sandpaper. Before cleaning the bath, you need to apply a cleaning powder that does not contain chlorine. The old enamel is cleaned to the matte surface. Then all the remnants of the enamel are washed off, and water is collected in the bath for ten minutes. Further, the surface of the bath must be degreased with a solvent and let it dry.
The primer of the bath
The primer can be easily applied using an aerosol spray. During the priming diluted with enamel using a brush, the primer must be applied evenly over the entire surface of the bath. In this case, they are unacceptable forks. A primed bath must be allowed to dry well.
Application of enamel
Enamel is applied with a moherian roller or a natural hair brush in three layers. Each of them needs to be allowed to dry for half an hour. The full restoration of enamel baths occurs after drying after a week. During this period of time, a temperature of at least 20 ° C should be maintained.