The Soviet Union is a country with a rich and rich history. This is the first state that built communism. And naturally this imposed certain conditions on all spheres of the life of Soviet society, including the Soviet auto industry.
At the initial stage, the automotive industry in the USSR, in fact, like the rest of the country’s industry were oriented towards Western samples. AZLK was the first plant in the country to produce cars. The first cars manufactured on AZLK were accurate copies of “Ford A” cars. Moreover, these cars were very high quality. In the future, AZLK began to produce cars of its own models. And also the first similarities of service centers were opened, on which the timing belt was made from these models and it is customary to count the second stage of the development of domestic automotive industry, during the same period, a representative class for senior persons began to be produced at the ZIL factory. And the third and longest stage of the development of domestic automotive industry is associated with the opening of VAZ enterprises in the USSR. The plant opened with the assistance of Italian specialists of the Fiat concern, and the actual car that was produced at this enterprise was the exact copy of the Fiat car. The people of the Soviet copy of Fiat was called “Kopeik” and now a number of researchers argue about what more brought the opening of the Auto -Concert VAZ to the domestic automotive industry, harm or benefit. On the one hand, the unconditional benefit of the USSR automotive was the creation of a large automatic concern, and it became harmful that all the means of this industry were sent to the VAZ and this impeded the development of AZLK, GAZ and ZIL plants. In the 90s of the XX century, the domestic auto industry, like the whole country, experienced a fierce crisis. The Government of the Russian Federation made and financed the decision on the creation of the United Lagovaz Auto Concert, but Boris Berezovsky, who was appointed the head of this enterprise, appropriated all the means. Therefore, the enterprise never began to function. The AZLK company went bankrupt, and foreign parts began to produce on its base, such as a set of fixers for Renault-Nissan 2 diesel engines.0 dci, as well as Renault brand cars.
Modern domestic automotive industry is trying to get out of the crisis and there are positive results.