The conduct of installation and lifting work is impossible without special equipment. Its most common species are crane hydraulic spools. Their small sizes are combined favorably with a large lifting ability.
When buying such a technique, it is recommended to pay special attention to its following characteristics:
Technical indicators.
Arrows profile. This important element of the crane manipulator varies the number of faces. There can be four, five, six, and even eight.
Type of supports. They can be round or square (especially reinforced). There are also special evacuation supports, which differ in greater height.
Complete. It is mainly standard and is not much different in different models. It necessarily includes supports, a hook for engraving cargo, a hydraulic pump connected to a hydraulic tank, as well as a working winch equipped with a cable that has a length of 40 to 70 meters.
Technical indicators are one of the most important elements affecting the performance of all types of hydraulic cranes of manipulators. This concept includes such parameters as:
The number of sections present at the arrow-manipulator. They can be in the range from two to seven. The more sections, the more degrees of freedom the unit and the more maneuverability it can show.
The value of the cargo moment, measured in tons by one meter. This indicator, as a rule, does not exceed 20.
Lifting characteristics. One of the significant parameters by which the manipulator is evaluated. In various modifications, it is from one to nine tons, if we are talking about cable options for the manipulator. Other modifications can have this indicator even in several tens of tons.
Since the range of goods raised in various models is quite wide, from one to several tens of tons, when choosing a certain unit, it is necessary to evaluate the sphere of its real application.
In some cases, not only their ability to cope with large weight loads, but also the speed of work is important for lifting units. In this aspect, the speed of the arrows and the speed of rotation of the tower are considered especially important. The more these indicators, the more maneuverable the unit is.
Most models, in addition to manual control, are equipped with remote remote controls.