Designers X3 E83 worked for a long time on the design of the car, as a result of which it turned out to be thought out to the smallest detail with a high level of ergonomics. True, in this model they decided to abandon their corporate identity and did not unfold the dashboard to the driver, but this did not affect its functional capabilities and did not worsen the characteristics of the BMW X3 E83 interior.
On the steering wheel, the drive button is located, which allow you to quickly respond to the situation on the road, including Idrive, an automatic gearbox and the possibilities of multimedia.
On the central panel, climate control in the cabin and navigation, which are available in the basic configuration of the car.
Car owners have wide possibilities for choosing a color scheme that the BMW X3 E83 interior has. Now it can be made in different colors from black to white. As a stylish solution, designers decided to decorate some internal details with aluminum. This has added chic internal design.
Motorists noted the convenience and functionality of the seats, which are represented by an anatomical form. Enough in the cabin and spaciousness, this car is ideal for distant travels, in favor of which the capacity of the luggage compartment speaks. Its main volume is 481 liters, but with a folded rear sofa, the useful area is 1400 liters.
The main distinguishing feature of the cabin of this car is its simplicity, but at the same time sufficient ergonomicity. It is impossible not to notice that there are elements that appeared here from Z4 of the first issue.
Many car owners chose precisely on this car due to its controllability, good dynamics on any road and reliability. True, noise insulation did not please drivers, but this is an insignificant drawback that could influence the choice.