Recently, ponds have been favorite elements of landscape designers when arranging summer cottages. Such a solution allows not only to bring a highlight to the surrounding space, but also to give it harmony.
Any owner of a country house or cottage dreams of sitting in a calm atmosphere with his favorite book near the reservoir, while breathing in the aroma of herbs and listening to the sound of flowing water. It is not so difficult to make such a reservoir yourself, it is only important to adhere to the basic rules.
First of all, you need to choose the right location of the future reservoir correctly. The main factor in this case will be the level of groundwater. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the artificial reservoir must be careed, and for these purposes it is often necessary to use a vacuum cleaner for the pond.
Therefore, it is not recommended that trees and shrubs are located above the pond. At the same time, to ensure the operation of electric pumps, lighting and other equipment, power supply is required, and the issue of laying electrical wiring should also be taken into account.
Before digging the pit, experts recommends determining the basis of the future reservoir. The presence of modern building materials in the market allows you to resolve this issue in several ways. You can create a pond using a finished form made of polyvinyl chloride or more durable fiberglass.
Also for these purposes, a polyvinyl chloride film or a film made of butyl -usted rubber is provided. The service life of the second material is several times more. The use of each option has its advantages and disadvantages. The finished form allows you to equip the reservoir quickly and conveniently, because for this it is only necessary to dig the pit of the necessary configuration and place the pond bowl in it. The use of the film opens more opportunities, since the pond can be given absolutely any configuration and size.
At the same time, the technology for making a pond using a film is more complex, costly and laborious. In this regard, experts recommend choosing a future configuration and material for the manufacture of an artificial reservoir to everyone at their discretion, taking into account the concept of landscape design of the site, its size and financial capabilities.