In Moscow from May 21 to June 4, 1968. The international exhibition of communal and household equipment (Interbmash-68) was held, organized by the All-Union Commercial Chamber with the assistance of Soviet economic, and foreign trade organizations and the executive committee of the Moscow Council.
The Interbmash-68 exhibition was the most representative review of the equipment used in the modern city communal economy. It took part in it – 674 foreign firms and foreign trade associations from 21 countries.
The largest exhibition of the exhibition was over 300 enterprises, 45 ministries and departments, 63 research and design organizations showed 1228 exhibits on an area of 11 thousand. M2.
A significant place in the exposition of the Soviet section of the exhibition of Interbmash-68 was assigned the display of machines and equipment manufactured by enterprises of the Ministry of Construction, Road and Communal Engineering. Presented by thirty -two factories of the exhibit industries corresponded to the modern technical level and a number of machines exceeded their indicators similar foreign samples. This caused high interest, manifested by foreign trade representatives and specialists, to the exhibits of enterprises of the Ministry.
Thus, the Bulgarian foreign trade organizations signed a contract at the exhibition for the supply to the people’s Bulgarian, the Republic of 14 garbage trucks of the M-30 of the Oryol Plant of Loaders, as well as 10 snowpliters of the D-470 of Severodvinsky, the factory of road vehicles.
Romanian representatives interested the D-455 self-propelled vibration vibration weighing 1.4 tons of the Kaliningrad plant Stroydormash. Over 120 excavators, more than 100 bulldozers, as well as a large number of other cars, were bought during the exhibition trading organizations of the GDR during the exhibition.
The total sales of Soviet machines and equipment during the exhibition exceeded the amount of 15 million. rub., which indicates further strengthening positions in the foreign market. When you need automatic registration in catalogs, it is worth contacting specialists. They will quickly and efficiently work work.