You decided to become the author of your own style, arrange the internal space of your home to personal taste? This task is not easy. When organizing repair, you always need to take into account the beauty of a particular material, and most importantly – its durability. One of the main issues that will certainly stand in front of you is the type of flooring. Traditionally, the floor covering is considered the best. It provides a prestigious type of room, always fashionable and long years of service pleases its owners. Wood is an environmentally friendly product that invariably creates a feeling of comfort and comfort. If you are looking for a unique atmosphere, you want to bring a sense of luxury into the home, then you will attract an artistic parquet for flooring.
How it differs from ordinary parquet? The fact is that its structure is heterogeneous. It is a certain drawing conceived by the designer. This drawing can vary depending on what size the room is, what is the height of the ceilings, how much the room is lit. The functional purpose of space is also of great importance. Soft, soothing themes and tones are suitable for the bedroom, and for the hall – more saturated and bright. It is art parquet that allows the designer to show his imagination.
To achieve the beauty and attractiveness of the drawing on the art parquet is not easy. For this, the master uses several types of wood. This work requires special skills and skills. In addition, each type of wood has its own texture, reacts differently to a change in humidity and temperature. The work performed without taking into account these factors will not last a long time – the parquet will dry out, creak, individual elements will become unstable. That is why the compilation and laying of art parquet must be entrusted to a professional. There are special tables that take into account the features of all types of wood. In total, six types are distinguished.
In Russia, in unchanged demand, as the main material for art parquet, is the oak. He attracts consumers with a sense of reliability, one might say – goodness. Such a parquet looks interesting using artificially aged wood. This creates a confident, solid style. Currently, in the manufacture of an art parking, advanced technologies are used, they serve as an assistant to the designer and allow you to fit all the details of the picture with jewelry accuracy with jewelry.